apartment maintenance technician training

Ideas On How to Make On-Call Less Stressful So Good Maintenance Technicians Will Stay

Ideas On How to Make On-Call Less Stressful So Good Maintenance Technicians Will Stay

Okay folks, I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that there’s a shortage of maintenance technicians. I’ve also noticed that when you try to discuss new ideas to make the industry better, there’s people out there who scold you and verbally attack you for doing it. So, you’d better just suck…

Demand for Good Maintenance Technicians Is Up So Why Isn’t the Pay?

Demand for Good Maintenance Technicians Is Up So Why Isn’t the Pay?

Hear ye, hear ye! All property owners gather around and let’s study the picture below. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s an attempted leak repair using painters tape and a cell phone charging cord. And, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this is most likely taking place at…